Jersey Shore's Terry Richardson Photo Shoot Is Here to Kill Irony

The perfect storm that is the Jersey Shore boys' Terry Richardson Interview photoshoot is finally out. In the intervening weeks, Richardson's sex scandals made the Jersey Shore pairing more appropriate—and Bar Rafaeli's sandwich fellatio a little grosser.
In the interview, Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino displays his trademark humility:
Everywhere I go, there's just mass amounts of people. There's people showing up at airports, wanting autographs, girls, it's insane. It's like The Beatles, man.
Asked about actress Alyssa Milano's demand that the show be canceled out of respect to Italian-Americans, Ronnie laid a low blow:
Alyssa Milano? What's the last thing she's done, Who's the Boss? It's like, who's the boss, now, Alyssa?
Interview's website includes a video addendum of Terry cavorting with the boys at the studio. [Interview]