Biden's 'Big Fucking Deal' vs. Goldman Sachs' 'Shitty Deal': A Usage Guide

Yesterday, Senator Carl Levin said "shitty deal" twelve times on TV. Last month, Joe Biden said "big fucking deal" to the President. So many curses! When do you use which? And will I go to hell for saying "fuck"?
Well, the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, woven out of curse words, thanks to the foul mouths of today's politicians. But no need to be bewildered. Having trouble distinguishing between "Big Fucking Deals" and "Shitty Deals"? Not sure which one your piece of legislation or complicated CDO is? Let us help.
Shitty Deal
Original author: Goldman Sachs executive Tom Montag
Popularized by: Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Used to describe: Complicated collateralized debt obligations, unfair transactions, the reason you're losing at the poker table.
Often confused with: "Good deal"
In a sentence: "Howie Mandel is the shitty Deal or No Deal host."
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Big Fucking Deal
Original author: Vice President Joe Biden
Popularized by: Vice President Joe Biden, this t-shirt
Used to describe: Major health-care reform, important legislation, that thing you're arguing with your girlfriend about.
Often confused with: "Kind of a big deal," "What's the big deal?"
In a sentence: "No, Kim is the big fucking Deal. Though I guess Kelley's gained a lot of weight, too."
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