Remember eBay's auction of five years of Madonna diaries, supposedly from an ex-assistant's storage unit? Madge's claque got eBay to yank "Madonna's Personal Daily Journals" on the grounds that "they were the rightful owners." Good thing we saved the listing!

Madonna pulling the diaries does not prove she actually wrote them—they could, for instance, have belonged to an assistant or someone whose output would somehow belong to Madonna. That would explain references to "M." However, scribbly to-do lists about lyrics and work-outs strike me as something you only keep for yourself. What's more, other material that belonged to the assistant—like this little black book—remain on sale. The diaries are the only thing the Ciccone claque pulled, so any way you look at it, these sprial-bound Stenos, that notebook with the Snoopy cover, and reminders about "Tony Rehab / New Life Hospital" matter to the Queen of Pop.