Bristol Palin Will Talk Sex For Boatloads of Money

Looking to add a little celebrity star power to your upcoming teen abstinence conference? Why settle for some preacher dork when you could have famous teen ma Bristol Palin as your headline speaker? For a modest fee.
Bristol can now be booked for appearances through Single Source Speakers, home to other prominent church types including Steve Arterburn and the always holy "Ryan & Friends." According to the website, Bristol "speaks about pregnancy prevention, abstinence, faith and life." She demonstrably knows nothing about at least three of those things, would be a mean thing to point out.
Her fee, according to the family lawyer: from $15,000 to $30,000, depending on "factors such as which group she's addressing and what she must to do prepare." So a dual appearance with her ex at the 2010 Fleshbot Awards would presumably be at the low end. (Just planting the seed). We wish Bristol luck. It's about time her family name starts paying off:
Bristol Palin lives in Anchorage and works in a physician's office, Van Flein said.