Lindsay Lohan was seen checking into a sober living facility in West Hollywood yesterday and her mother Dina and ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson were spotted there later in the day. Is she trying to weasel out of jail time?

Chances are that she probably is. She has to surrender herself to custody by July 20 for her 90-day stay, and it would seem like a five-day stint in a "sober house" (one that's curiously not overseen by TV's Dr. Drew Pinsky) could be an attempt to soften the sentence or get out of it entirely. She was also sentenced to spend three months in rehab once she's released from the clink, so maybe she's just trying to get a jump start on paying that part of her debt to society? But the real news is SamRo is back! Does that mean that Lindsay is also a lesbian when she's sober?

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]