Smells Like Teen Angst: Let's Psychoanalyze Frances Bean Cobain's Art

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love offspring Frances Bean Cobain has a restraining order against her mother and an alter ego named Fiddle Tim who had "his" first gallery show—called Scumfuck—in L.A. this week.
According to Law & Order: SVU, you can assess a child's mental state by having him or her draw pictures and then psychoanalyze the shit out of it. Thus, based on the images above and below, parental alienation (extraterrestrials and a faraway moon) preoccupies Bean to the point of toxicity. Could it be that Courtney Love has not been a positive influence on her daughter?

Based on the below image of a corpulent man with gnarly pubes confronting a billy goat on a bridge—captioned "I don't owe you shit"—I conclude that Bean grapples with concepts of inheritance and ownership. As she walks down the tortured artistic path so familiar to her parents, she asks whether they owe her something—and what she, on the cusp of adulthood, owes the world.

Or she's a just bored teen doodling random angst shit on the back of a notebook. Whatevs. Either way, you can see a gallery of Fiddle Tim's art here. [NYDN, Flavorwire]