Comment of the Day: The Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

Katie Couric picked on Sarah Palin's kids' names, but maybe she would have been more understanding if she'd been familiar with Sarah's naming strategy? One commenter explains.
Kentuckienne says that she plans to use the same format as Sarah and Todd Palin did when it comes time to give her own children distinctive monikers. They're gonna be strange:
Sarah Palin's kids are named after sports seasons (Track), fishing holes (Bristol Bay), Willow (a tree, also a Alaskan town), Piper (a type of plane or shorebird) and an old Morse word for strength ("Trig"). Who doesn't name their children after such things? As befitting a WASP, I'm going to name my children Lacrosse, Ye Old Country Club, the Gardener Prunes That One, Learjet, and "Anabolic."
What names would your kids have if you used the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator?