Victim of Justin Bieber's Twitter Prank Becomes Victim of Awkward MSNBC Interview
Kevin Kristopik, the Michigan teen whose number was tweeted by Justin Bieber on Saturday in a fit of vengeful rage, was on MSNBC today for an interview with Tony Alexander about the incident. It was hilariously awkward—video inside.
[There was a video here]
Let's take note of the awkward things about this three-minute interview, shall we? (This may only be a partial list.)
- The "Bieber's Revenge" graphic, complete with a picture of the pop star's head
- The "Kevin Kristopik / In Cyber Battle with Justin Bieber" descriptor
- Alexander: "And through that friend, you got Bieber's digits, as they like to say..."
- Alexander: "30,000 text messages that came into your phone, the thing must've been blowin' up!"
- Alexander's implication that Bieber is a huge MSNBC fan, along with his request that Kevin speak directly into the camera and address Bieber hair-on (har)
- The cliched, "Are you grounded now?" discussion
- Alexander: "Well, this may be a cyber battle, but you got some good Justin Bieber hair goin' yourself, Kevin."
- Alexander's actual interest in this case (you can tell he's not faking it)
Aren't awkward interviews fun?!