Tabloid sex writer and bubbling vat of ill-concealed self-loathing Andrea Peyser refuses to bow to Hollywood's liberal sex standards. Maybe Jennifer Aniston is happy fucking a turkey baster—but for Andrea Peyser, only a live human male will do.

Jennifer Aniston has some new movie about a single mom who gets pregnant via artificial insemination, the thought of which makes Andrea Peyser absolutely purple with rage, as well as crimson with passion, for the pleasures of a man of flesh, and blood, and bone.

"Women are realizing more and more that you don't have to settle. They don't have to fiddle with a man to have that child," said Aniston, 41. As if "fiddling" with a man was vaguely unpleasant. Like bedbugs. Or flying coach.

Andrea rages on and on, and then concludes:

Men may no longer be necessary, but they come in handy. Put down that turkey baster.

At least she's consistent.