What will it take to start Travolta's version of the Tiger Woods' mistress parade? T.I. gets arrested for drug possession. Lindsay Lohan fights to stop her father from selling pages from her old diary. Thursday gossip kisses and tells.

  • A guy who wrote a book about gay bathhouses describes bathing with John Travolta: "He came on to me a number of times. [...] He blatantly cruises guys, and doesn't seem to care who sees him. I saw him with his lover and he couldn't get enough. And when the details emerge, he's gonna make Tiger Woods look like a boy scout." Travolta's "secret gay life is one of Hollywood's worst kept secrets." My question: What will it take to unleash a Tiger Woodsian flood of kiss-and-tell lovers? Do the Travolta's lovers need a Rachel Uchitel, someone to go first and get the ball rolling? Or does Kelly Preston need to have a Elin-with-the-golf-club moment, busting the windows of his precious airplane, perhaps, when she finds him in bed with a man? [NatEnq via DListed, image via Splash]
  • T.I. and wife Tameka Cottle were arrested last night for possession of a controlled substance. Much like Paris Hilton, they were in a fancy car (Maybach) that reeked of marijuana, prompting the cops to investigate. The charges aren't for pot, though—the class of controlled substance on their booking papers includes meth and ecstasy, though. [TMZ]
  • Lindsay Lohan sent a cease-and-desist to father Michael Lohan, who is apparently auctioning pages from the diary she kept in rehab in 2007. This must be the "trauma that my father has caused in my life" that Lindsay says is her biggest problem. In other news, Michael just moved into a new L.A. apartment, a mere 11 miles away from Lindsay's place. [Radar, TMZ]
  • Speaking of Michael, that 15-year-old girl who claimed to be his illegitimate daughter is officially his: He put him on her birth certificate, even though he hasn't had a paternity test. (Another innocent child to prey on?) Ashley's mother wants $300,000 in back child support. [Life&Style]

Demi Moore tweeted—then deleted—pictures of herself posing in front of her bathroom mirror in a bikini. In her Benjamin Button-like process of backwards aging, Demi has finally reached her tween years. Mom's gonna kill you when she finds you sexted, Demi. [Celebitchy]

  • Jared Leto rode to a party on a white bicycle, begged the doormen to let him bring it in, then spent the whole night fondling it. [P6]
  • Remember yesterday's story about Paris Hilton getting blacklisted at Vegas nightclubs? A representative for Encore and Wynn—which is where boyfriend Cy Waits, who was part of her drug bust, used to work—confirm that Paris has been banned. She hasn't been run out of town completely, though: She's still allowed to go to the Hilton. (Seriously. They issued a statement saying so.) [People, People]
  • Diane Passage, the pole-dancing wife of alleged Ponzi schemer to the stars Ken Starr, says Wesley Snipes sent private eyes to stalk her. Apparently Wesley thinks Diane can clear up 2008's tax evasion conviction? This story makes no sense, probably because every character in it lives a nonsensical life. [P6]
  • Rosario Dawson's mother moved back into the 13th Street squatters' palace where she raised Rosario and has been fighting with other squatters over space. A Page Six "spy" describes Isabel Dawson screaming, "I'm not embarrassing my daughter! This is a squat, I can live here." I don't know what's strangers—that the mother of a famous actress insists on living in a squat, or that Page Six has a "spy" in one. [P6]

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