Tim Gunn worries about running into Anna at Fashion Week. Angelina Jolie has barely any friends. 29-year-old Kim Kardashian gets Botox. Snooki insulted to be compared to Lindsay Lohan. TGIFriday gossip.

  • There was a rumor that Naomi Campbell was "difficult" at Tuesday's Vogue-run Fashion's Night Out runway show, so Anna Wintour released a statement: "Naomi was on time, professional, and a joy to work with." Then everyone in the room laughed until they cried, popped a laxative, chased it with champagne, and went back to hating each other. [P6]
  • Speaking of Nuclear Wintour, Tim Gunn expects "hell to freeze over" if he runs into her at Fashion Week. Anna's pissed about his trash-talking book in his new book. Gunn says he was merely speaking truth to power: "I'm just the only one brave enough to tell the truth. Lord knows hell would freeze over if I came face to face with her here, but I probably wouldn't be able to see past her handlers." [P6]
  • Back on planet Project Runway, Heidi Klum says this season's contestants are "softies" and drama queens. [Popeater]
  • "I don't have a lot of friends," poor misunderstood Angelina Jolie wailed, mascara-tinged tears streaming down her cheeks. Just kidding! She said it as an aside while explaining how important Brad Pitt is to her. [Us]
  • Snooki on the judge from her public nuisance court date comparing her to Lindsay Lohan: "I definitely thought it was harsh," she says. "I never drank and drove, I don't do drugs—I do nothing that Lindsay does, so it was definitely a little overboard." How far LiLo has fallen: Even MTV's fake-baked mascot for classlessness doesn't want to be compared to her. [People]
  • 29-year-old Kim Kardashian gets Botox on camera for the next episode of her TV show. "Do I look younger?" she asks younger sister Khloe, batting her eyelashes. "Three to five days, sweetheart." Update: I originally identified Kim as 26. Khloe is 26, Kim is 29. [Us]
  • After 9-year-old Willow Smith released her first single yesterday (listen here) Jay-Z signed her to his record label: "It's rare to find an artist with such innate talent and creativity at such a young age. Willow is about to embark on an incredible journey." This child will own America before she hits puberty. [ArtsBeat]
  • Shelley Malil—who played one of Steve Carrell's coworkers in 40-Year-Old Virgin is on trial for stabbing his girlfriend 20 times with a knife. He took the stand yesterday to say it was a mistake: He thought he was stabbing someone else. Closing statements are expected early next week. [People]
  • An ex-boyfriend of Bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky tried to sell pictures of her topless at a beer-soaked party, but—psyche!—she's only fifteen in the pictures, so they will never see the light of day. [Radar]
  • White House party crasher and Real Housewife of D.C. Michaele Salahi once sued her mother-in-law for $14,000 and won. Thanksgiving must be so awkward at their house. [Radar]

[Image via Getty]