What's that, up there? Is it the proverbial fiddler on the roof, wearing a skirt of "whipped cream and youth"? No! It's Gawker Weddings Expert Phyllis Nefler, back to explore this week's Times weddings section. Join her! L'Chaim!

Oh my god. I really have/need no introduction for this incredible video from the wedding of Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator and composer of Broadway sensation "In the Heights," and Vanessa Nadal. Just watch, laugh, and try not to cry.

(In classic New York Times commenter fashion, someone finds a way to complain: "L'Chaim....where's the "cccchhhh"? La High 'em? For that matter, where's the coach—Jackie Mason?" Oh, you batty Jews.)

Even before seeing the video I had decided that I really liked the featured Vows column on the couple. "She knows she's dope," Miranda said of his bride, melting my heart. "She's beautiful but not vain. She's smart but not arrogant. It's like, all killer, no filler."

I loved the description of his pre-"In The Heights" routine:

Onstage and off, Mr. Miranda dressed like a rapper/English professor in baggy jeans, T-shirts and tweed caps. He was working on "In the Heights," often writing lyrics on the subway, and earning rent money performing at bar mitzvahs. "I was literally one of those guys who shows up in a black satin shirt and tries to get kids and old people to dance," he said. "It was bleak."

As for the wedding, Lois Smith Brady wrote probably my favorite paragraph ever in Vows:

On Sept. 5, they were married in Staatsburg, NY, at the Belvedere Mansion, a white pillared inn facing the Hudson like a supermodel looking in the mirror. The bride looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor in an Oscar de la Renta strapless gown with a low-cut bodice and a wildly frilly skirt that appeared to be made of feathers, clouds, whipped cream and youth.

Feathers, clouds, whipped cream and youth. No joke, I want to commission a calligrapher to write that down in script so I can frame it and hang it on the wall of my bathroom and stare at it when I brush my teeth, or, barring that, I might tattoo it on my stomach.

Also touching, particularly given the events of this weekend, was the story of Genna Griffith and Marc Giammatteo, who met in 2006 during the "Wounded Warrior Project's Soldier Ride," a bike event that raised money for wounded veterans. Giammatteo rode in the race, a huge victory considering what he had gone through in the previous years:

In March 2003, he deployed to Iraq with the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment. H was promoted to captain and led more than 100 combat missions. On Jan 8, 2004, he was severely wounded, sustaining multiple injuries when his combat patrol was hit by rocket-propelled grenades. After 30 operations and two and a half years of rehabilitation at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, he attended Harvard Business School and received an MBA. He was awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart and was honorably discharged in November 2006.

My congratulations, and my thanks.

There are two stories this weekend of would-be lovers shyly circling one another before finally making their feelings known. Poison control specialist Adrienne Chew and Iron Man triathlete Heather Warncke met at Wellesley in 1990 (from which they graduated magna and summa cum laude, respectively) dated back in the day, and knew each other for years, occasionally getting together. It was only when Warncke, on her birthday, invited Chew out to dinner. ("She really wants to out with me on her birthday?" recalls Chew. "I thought she would have other plans.")

John Christie and Naomi Schalit, on the other hand, were like an older and Maine!ier version of Jim and Pam.

After Christie hired Schalit to be "the opinion page editor at two Maine daily newspapers, The Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel, where he was then the publisher," his new hire caught his eye. Following his divorce, he finally summoned Schalit to his office one day … only to ask for her thoughts on another prospective woman. Ugh, worst! ("Grim is the word," says Schalit.)

Realizing she needed to make a move, she mustered her courage and wrote him a note that said: "Please do me the kindness of never again asking me about a woman you want to date. Perhaps you are the only person in the newsroom who has failed to notice that the best part of my day is when I get to talk to you."

Ms. Schalit put the note in the mail and went off to her daughter's graduation from boarding school.

Ha! You go, Naomi!

Finally, from the courtship of Jamie Wainstock and Keith Kalnick (for some reason their article isn't online, go figure) is this actually a thing?

Ms. Wainstock and Mr. Kalnick met on a blind date in November 2007, after which they quickly became a couple. On the second anniversary of that date, they made plans to fly to Los Cabos, Mexico, where, despite assurances to the contrary, Ms. Wainstock was certain that Mr. Kalnick was planning to propose.

Not only was he worried about taking a ring across the border, but his friends had also warned him not to propose at the expensive resort because he would have to go back there every year for the rest of his life.

Wait, what!? Who are these friends? What is this "rule"? Man, now I feel bad for a pal of mine — he just proposed to his girlfriend at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Bummer, dude!

Elsewhere this weekend, one couple aligned not just their eyebrows but also their chins; the owner (along with her parents) of "Rug News and Design Magazine, a monthly trade publication" walked down a hopefully well-upholstered aisle; the daughter of "Marie-Claude Odile Butler and Frederick Joseph Cox Butler" (her father is an MD at "Bentley Associates," natch, and this one isn't online either, WEIRD!?) was wed; the former Miss New Jersey USA winner (pictured) smiled and waved once again; companions of 17-years decided to make it official; and the daughter of a former narcotics and organized crime police officer married "the sales manager for Anastasio Mason Supply and Landscape Material…a company owned by one of his uncles." Hmm, I smell a De NIro dramady in the making.

This week's faceoff:

Dorothy Newsom Robinson and Brewster Nelson Scott

• "Brewster Nelson Scott": +1
• "is also known as Nat": +1
• The wedding was officiated by an Episcopal priest: +1
• The bride's mother is named Battle Rankin Robinson: +1
• The bride is "a co-author, with Daniel Holloway, of "Dating Makes You Want to Die (But You Have to Do It Anyway).": +1
• "The bridegroom's mother, who is known as Howie, owns Rag and Gilt, a fine art framing shop in Montchanin, Del": +2
• "Only when they were planning their wedding did they learn that their families did have a connection — during the American Revolution, an ancestor on the bridegroom's side arrested an ancestor of the bride's": +3
• "The bride's ancestor, Thomas Robinson, was a prominent Loyalist. After his arrest by the bridegroom's ancestor, Thomas Rodney, he was exiled to Novia Scotia, and he returned only after the war": +5


Carrie Sperry Elston and James Alden Tunick

• "Carrie Sperry Elston": +1
• "The bride and bridegroom, both 29, are multimedia artists who collaborated on a video art display at Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria, and a video and interactive work at the Google offices in Manhattan": +2
• The bride is pursuing an MFA from Hunter College and the groom has "a master's in new media from New York University": +2
• The bride's parents are presidents and chairmen and etc etc of various entities, including the "Friends of the Hudson River Greenway": +1
• Her mother "is a member of the commission in Washington that is investigating the Deepwater Horizon oil spill": +1
• "The bride is a granddaughter of William S. Beinecke of Manhattan, the founding chairman of the Central Park Conservancy": +1
(Hmmm, Yale has a lot of buildings named Beinecke…)
• "They graduated from Yale, where they met": +9
• "His parents run David Tunick, Inc., a gallery in Manhattan specializing in old master prints and drawings: +1