When a video clip of a girl drowning puppies appeared online, 4chan went to work and identified the perpetrator, a girl in Bosnia. The police there tracked her down. And now: she's reportedly getting off without being charged.

This information comes from a German newspaper, so the Google translation is shaky. But the gist is clear: PETA in Germany tells the paper that they spoke to police in the Bosnian town, and no charges are going to be filed against the girl. What happened?

The girl was 12 years too young for punishment. Another reason is that an old woman had reported and claimed to have rescued the puppies.

Campaign Manager Nadia Kutscher of Germany eV Peta is appalled: "This is, in our view impossible. The pups of the old woman looked different than on the video. Above all, the little puppy would never be able to survive this. "

So the girl was 12, apparently? Too young for punishment, even in Bosnia. Also an old lady said she rescued the puppies, but the puppies she rescued were different from the ones on the tape. Another report says PETA is still trying to push Bosnian authorities to prosecute, but they're not hopeful. In any case, this girl's online life is screwed for a long time.
