Harmeen Jones, a former Fox News technician, is suing the network for $5 million, alleging that he was subjected to constant racism at work and eventually fired for complaining about it. News Corp sued for discrimination? That sounds familiar somehow.

Jones, who's black, worked in the Fox News control room in Manhattan from 2005-2009. Among the claims in his suit:

  • While watching footage of a Tea Party rally, a colleague said "This is what happens when you mess with white people's health care."
  • Two white colleagues told him they wouldn't be comfortable with a black president. Then one added, thoughtfully, "am I offending your blackness?"
  • White colleagues told him he looked "like a gangster" and "ready to shoot someone."
  • After his boss found out he'd complained to HR, he was fired, with the following dismissal: "We gave you a chance and you repay us by making complaints to HR? You are terminated."

We can't say whether Jones' suit is accurate. But we can say Fox News hasn't done itself any favors in making itself look reasonable and non-discriminatory lately.

[NYDN. Photo: AP. Know more about the work atmosphere at Fox News? Email me.]