Budding starlet Blake Lively splits up with boyfriend and Gossip Girl costar Penn Badgley. Charlie Sheen blames his naked hotel rampage on an "allergic reaction." Boy George throws a drink at a fan. Wednesday's gossip is happy it's over.

  • Penn Badgley and professional mumbler Blake Lively, both 23, split back in September but kept it a secret from everybody. They did this so that they could find out the truth about Chuck and Blair and then expose the fact that they were really in love with Nate and Jenny or some other ridiculous Gossip Girl subplot such as this. Why else hide the truth from the world? Speaking of the show, they'll both continue working on it (while dreaming about their respective burgeoning film careers) even after the split. Guess this means Serena and Dan won't be getting back together anytime soon. [Us Weekly]
  • A day after his naked "rampage" in a suite at the Plaza and a brief hospitalization, Charlie Sheen says that he's "fine." Yes, destroying a hotel room naked while in the company of a naked lady and not ending up in jail or rehab certainly sounds "fine" to us. His publicist blames the incident on an allergic reaction to some medication he was taking. Does cocaine classify as medication? Just wondering. There are pictures of the $7,000 in damage he did to the room but it doesn't really look that bad. I was expecting it to look like the room in The Hangover or something, but it just looks like someone had a rough pillow fight, which might have been just what happened. [RadarOnline, TMZ]
  • Washed up '80s singer Boy George tossed a drink on a patron and cussed her out at a charity gala in London last night. Apparently she was talking on her cell phone while he was performing and he shouted at her, "Why don't you shut the fuck up, you rude cunt." We were totally on George's side in this dispute until we found out the reason she was on the phone was because he wasn't playing his hits. Guess that's what he gets for denying people "Karma Chameleon." [NY Post]
  • Apparently Justin Timberlake was getting his sexy behind the back of girlfriend Jessica Biel. He reportedly had a three-day fling with Daily Show correspondent Olivia Munn in New York this September. The story goes that he met her but she denied his advances because he was with Biel. He told her things were over and she relented (because, really, how long can you say, "No," to JT?). Now the cat is out of the bag and publicists will start their first round of denials. [Us Weekly]
  • Public relations guru turned reality star Kelly Cutrone fired her assistant Andrew Mukamal because she says he was too interested in being a TV star and not interested in fetching her coffee, taking her verbal beatings, and catering to her every whim. Considering Kelly was on two, yes two reality shows, maybe his behavior just hit a little too close to home. And she's got to be in a bad mood these days, since MTV just canceled The City, so she's down to one show, Kell on Earth, and lord knows when (or if) that is coming back. [P6]
  • Speaking of reality shows, former The Hills creature Audrina Patridge was kicked off of your mother's favorite show, Dancing with the Stars, last night. That doesn't mean we're done with her for good. The new reality show she created with Survivor guru Mark Burnett just got picked up by VH1. We're not quite sure how to feel about this, but at least Audrina is in the public eye so that we can keep track of her. [NYDN, People]
  • Andy Dick, drunk as usual, showed off Andy's dick to a bunch of patrons in a Los Angeles coffee shop. He wasn't taken into custody, but the California legislature is currently discussing making "being Andy Dick in public" a class C felony. [Popeater]
  • A gay news cameraman is suing Sacha Baron Cohen saying that he attacked the cameraman during a Prop 8 rally in California in 2008. While dressed as his gay character Bruno, Baron Cohen supposedly attacked and wrestled with the cameraman causing him bodily harm. Two questions: why did it take him so long to sue and what kind of cash does he expect to get out of Cohen? He must know that nobody went to go see Bruno. [TMZ]

[Image via Pacific Coast News]