Biological terrorism strikes dancing-based reality show! Lindsay Lohan's loses her last best chance at saving her career. The cabin where Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton: Revealed! Sexiest man alive news! Saturday Gossip Roundup is protecting the homeland.

  • Emergency at Dancing with the Stars! Some insane maniac mailed an envelope filled with white powder to the show, reportedly in a piece of fan mail for Bristol Palin. (After all, she has many haters.) White powder can only be deadly anthrax, so the FBI and LAPD were scrambled and the stars were evacuated. Dancing with death! Why do the terrorists hate our freedom to sit on our couch and vote for people on TV with our cell phones? But it was only talcum powder. Although! Talcum powder could maybe make a person sneeze to death, if consumed in enough quantities. Still lame. This "scare" is to real biological terrorism what Dancing with the Stars is to real entertainment. [TMZ]
  • Well, the last good thing Lindsay Lohan had going for her is gone. That would be her starring role in the Linda Lovelace biopic Inferno. After repeatedly delaying production for Lindsay's repeated missteps, director Matthew Wilder says he's moving on. "Ultimately, the impossibility of insuring her—and some other issues—have made it impossible for us to go forward," he said. [E!]
  • A British tabloid has tracked down the exact cabin in Kenya where Prince William asked total commoner Kate MIddleton to marry him. It's 10,500 feet above sea level on the side of Mount Kenya. Kate wrote in the guest book: "wonderful 24 hours! Sadly no fish to be found but we had great fun trying. I love the warm fires and candle lights – so romantic!" This means they had sex in the cabin! Send a team to scrape for royal body fluids. [People]
  • Radar takes us "inside Jessica Simpson's engagement party." Tapas and floral arrangements, but no jumpy castle, surprisingly. [Radar]
  • Heidi Montag recently trashed her dead former plastic surgeon, Doctor Frank Ryan for misleading her about her 10 procedures. "It was a lot harder than I was led on by my doctor," she told Entertainment Tonight. Never speak ill of the dead, Heidi. Unless your doctor was Hitler. Hitler sucks. [Radar]
  • Ryan Reynolds was just named People's Sexiest Man Alive: Maybe it's gone to his head? Rumors are swirling that he and Scarlett Johansson are on the rocks. But she's GQ's Babe of the Year! Don't they have a contractual obligation to date? [NYDN]
  • The Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Divorce Saga continues. The latest twist is that Tony filed his own divorce petition against Eva today, even though he was the one who got naughty texts. It's unclear why he is doing this, but here's a hint: His petition makes no mention of the prenup he and Eva signed. He's going to try to keep all the tattoos. [TMZ]
  • Wesley Snipes turned himself in and is in transit to prison. He's going to jail for three years for not filing his taxes, finally. [TMZ]