Creepy Old Flasher Answers Police Knock with Pants Down

When police in Arizona responded to a complaint of a man, "white and in his 50s" with his pants down and wiggling his hips in public, they found Michael Polley at his apartment door, still pantless and "immediately angry."
On Sunday afternoon, a woman was outside her Mesa apartment with her two children when they saw Polley, 55, pull his jeans and underwear down to his ankles and start doing a little dance. The woman called police, who arrived and knocked on Polley's door, where he was still standing around naked, and apparently mad as hell about something. Polley started swearing at the officers and when he walked into the hallway, the woman yelled "that's him!" The Arizona Republic has the details:
When another officer arrived at the apartment, each officer held on to one of Polley's arms. One officer was able to get the handcuff on Polley's left wrist, but Polley tensed his shoulders and would not allow the cuffs near his right arm.
The officers were able to arrest him after a struggle.
Court records did not indicate whether Polley was asked to put his pants on again before he attempted to resist arrest.
Polley now faces charges of indecent exposure and resisting arrest. We can think of one person who's probably excited to have Polley in his jail — racist old shitbag Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has a creepy pink jail underwear fetish.
[Michael Polley via Maricopa County Sheriff's Office]