Between the travel, bad weather, and family functions, Christmas can be perilous. But nothing is more fraught than the act of gift giving. We know you people have gotten some awful gifts, and we want to hear about it.

Unlike last year when we asked you to share tales of holidays gone awry, the horror stories this year must all be gift related. Tell us about the awful sweater that your mother-in-law made you that your wife makes you wear every time you see her. Let us know about the completely inappropriate gift your boss got you in the office secret Santa. We're dying to hear about the most offensive swag you've gotten from companies you work with. A tale of an especially traumatic grab bag would be great. And of course we'd appreciate a story about getting into a fist fight trying to land your daughter the last Justin Bieber doll at the local Toys 'R Us, or the lengths you went to to fulfill a wish on someone else's Christmas list. Oh, and don't forget the time you tried to give your kid books for Christmas.

Here are the ground rules:

  • Put your horror stories in the comments section of this post. I love hearing from you guys, but please do not email them to me.
  • If you're not currently a commenter, find out how to become one here.
  • Text is fine, but pictures are especially encouraged.
  • Entries will be judged not only on content but also storytelling prowess. Remember, be concise.
  • The deadline is noon on Monday, December 27th.

A completely biased judging panel consisting of myself and my team of elves will pick the winner on the 27th. The person with the worst gift-related horror story will get a $50 Visa Gift Card so you can buy yourself something nice that no one bothered to get you this year.

Now get in the comments and show us your worst!

[Photo via And thanks to Spirit Fingers for the inspiration]