Leon Walker, a 33 year-old Michigan computer technician, has been charged with a felony (and faces up to five years in prison) for using his wife's password to read her email. Well, he had a damn good reason.

According to USA Today:

Leon, Clara Walker's third husband, found out in an e-mail that she was having an affair with her second husband, who was once arrested for beating her in front of her small son. Leon Walker showed the e-mail to that son's father, Clara's first husband, who filed an emergency motion to obtain custody.

It's the classic "computer technician meets thrice-married dysfunctional cuckoldress, high tech hijinks ensue" story. None of this would have happened if Leon's wife didn't keep all of her passwords "in a small book next to" her computers. The real lesson here: password security is important, particularly for thrice-married dysfunctional cuckoldresses.

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