Keith Olbermann has only been out at MSNBC for one weekend, but what will he do next? Some people on Facebook, Twitter and Daily Kos want him to run for Joe Lieberman's Connecticut Senate seat.

First of all, what is Keith Olbermann doing right now? Probably screaming at his cat. But he did make time to tweet this afternoon, "At exactly 8 Eastern tonight I will issue my first tweet. Well, other than THIS one :)". It's amazing that this man does not have a television show right now.

Who knows what he'll tweet at exactly 8 Eastern tonight. Our best guess is home run stats from, say, the 1936 Yankees. But his more ambitious fans online have already chosen future plans for him! Daily Kos contributor "Stranded Wind" has taken the lead on a nascent "Draft Olbermann" for Senate project. Which seat? The one Joe Lieberman's leaving behind in Connecticut, of course! Olbermann may live in New York now, but surely a lawyer can fix that? From Stranded Wind:

He used to live in Connecticut and could easily return and establish residency. Let's see if his contract issues are a barrier - that's for he and his lawyers to determine. If he doesn't want to run he is still a powerful voice and our efforts ought to be seen as a compliment. If he is going to another network fine, but he can do some things in the next two years, so let's help him get excited about that.

There isn't even an exploratory committee yet so there is no way to fund raise for this effort. There are two other Connecticut Democrats who think they'd like that seat. I think that those of us behind this effort can start pushing now, making this about raising awareness and driving voter registration. If Keith gets into the race that benefits him, and if he doesn't we're helping the chances of the other two lesser known candidates.

Maybe he should talk to Rahm Emanuel about how easy it is to establish residency. But "Draft Olbermann" already has Facebook and Twitter accounts, so there's pretty much no stopping this juggernaut now.

[via Wonkette, Image via AP]