Ashton and Demi Get Booed on Camera, and Other Special Moments

Ashton and Demi ignore a chorus of boos in Brazil. Charlie Sheen's rehab center is actually just his house. Glee apologizes to Lindsay Lohan. Helen Bonham Carter praises her own "huge breasts." Tuesday gossip is enhanced with video.
- Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore got booed at Sao Paolo Fashion Week, where their tardiness caused a show to be postponed by three hours. Testament to the duo's acting skills, they somehow manage to strut and smirk for the cameras as though a chorus of enraged Brazilians are not shrieking "Too late! Boo! Ashton! Boo!" The below video depicts the melee. The above image is one of the resulting photos. Ashton and Demi: Most talented self-absorbed red carpet walkers in the world. [ITN, Superficial, image via Getty]
- Charlie Sheen's much-ballyhooed three-month rehab will take place at his house. Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars to bring in hookers, porn stars, and crack cocaine, he's now paying tens of thousands of dollars to bring in doctors and maybe some prescription drugs. Charlie's at-home rehab is either designed to protect his "privacy" (although I wonder if Charlie's limitless resources and ability to create entire ecosystems of sin and/or sobriety within the walls of his home is part of the problem?) or an elaborate denial mechanism. Around the same time his publicist announced Charlie was going to rehab, Sheen personally told a Radar editor, "I'm fine." [TMZ, Radar]
- James Franco is hosting not only the Oscars, but the "after-after-after-after-party" at a new bar where he is a partner: "I'll be singing at the Oscars, but there will be a private performance at my new bar." But will there be a cross-eyed German opossum? Give the people what they want, James. [eTalk, People]
- The cast of Glee ran into Lindsay Lohan at a restaurant in L.A., and decided to walk up to her and apologize for hurting her feelings with that whole Gwyneth Paltrow "Lindsay Lohan está loca" bit. Depending on the tone of said apology, this is either hysterical, pathetic, or insanely awkward. Lea Michele and Jane Lynch weren't there, so you can rule out "attention-seeking" and "hardass." [TMZ, People]
- Kelsey Grammar's wedding with probable mistress-turned-girlfriend Kayte Walsh is scheduled for February 25 at the Plaza Hotel. He already sent the invites to a "very tight" guest list of 150 (not tight enough to prevent leaks to the press) even though his divorce from Real Housemonster of Beverly Hills Camille Grammer is not yet complete. Planning the next wedding before your divorce is complete: Faux pas? [P6]
- Christina Applegate and musician fiance Martyn LeNoble welcomed their baby daughter last week. Name: Sadie Grace LeNoble.[People]
- As a thank you for painting a censored album cover, Kanye West performed at artist George Condo's daughter's sweet 16 birthday party, which was held on the third floor of the Standard Hotel. Really wish MTV had been there to capture the Super Sweet affair. [P6]

Julianne Moore shot a "sensual" ad campaign for Talbot's. Never thought I'd have cause to use the words "sensual" and "Talbot's" in the same sentence. [People]
- Asked what she was wearing at the SAG Awards, Helena Bonham Carter replied, "Today I'm wearing huge breasts," then extolled the virtues of corsetry for enhancing "my Golden Globes. Who needs Golden Globes when you've got these?" Mostly, I'm amazed that a celebrity preempted every single innuendo that the tabloids were gearing up to make. [Us]
- Elin Nordegren's rebound boyfriend dumped her because the whole Tiger Woods mess "scared him off." Tiger ruins everything. [Enquirer]