Awful Owner of Awful Football Team Wants Writer Fired for Calling Him Awful

Last November, the Washington City Paper's Dave McKenna wrote an excellent takedown of Redskins owner and well-known bastard Dan Snyder. It was a textbook example of killing a subject with simple facts. Now, proving its accuracy: Snyder demands McKenna's firing.
The Washington Post reports that Snyder has not only threatened to sue the WCP's parent company, Creative Loafing, over the article; he's also "seeking the dismissal" of McKenna. "We feel they have published untruths," said Snyder's high-priced attorney. What untruths? She wouldn't say.
Snyder also objects to the very concept of the free spread of ideas within journalism:
According to several people with direct knowledge of the situation, Snyder's attorneys contacted [The Washington Post] last week and asked the newspaper to preserve e-mails between Post sports blogger Dan Steinberg and McKenna.
The attorneys said they intend to explore whether there was any agreement between McKenna and Steinberg to cross-promote McKenna's pieces on Snyder. Steinberg routinely links to sports content across the Web.
Here's some free advice, Dan Snyder: fucking with the Washington Post is a bad move. The story about you was accurate, and you can't win a lawsuit against a journalist for emailing another journalist to talk about a story. Furthermore, you can't buy good PR with lawsuits. People hate you because you're a notoriously greedy and mean-spirited rat bastard who thinks nothing of freezing out the media, gouging fans, and treating employees like shit. You can read all about it right here, in this Washington City Paper story by Dave McKenna. Which has now, we notice, reappeared on the front page of the WCP's website. Then you can look up The Streisand Effect, just for fun.
Also the name of your team is horribly racist.
[Photo: Getty]