Donald Trump Has Made an Enemy of Ron Paul

Republican tribal god Rep. Ron Paul hit the television circuit this morning to celebrate his big straw poll win at this weekend's insane Conservative Political Action Conference. How does Paul feel now, knowing that Republican voters want him to be president, at least according to this straw poll for which he bused in hundreds of supporters? He's flattered as always. Such a humble man, that Doctor Congressman Ron Paul.
Except when he talks about Donald Trump, the television clown who continues to pretend to run for president. At his (mostly hilarious) Thursday CPAC speech, Trump insulted the Paulites in the crowd, telling them that their idol could not win a presidential election. Paul responded to this obvious fact on television this morning:
"I was elected 11 times and somebody said, ‘Well, how many times has Donald Trump been elected?" Paul said Monday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "Does he have really the right to criticize others and say they are unelect[able]?"
Where will this go next? Perhaps Rep. Paul's bruiser son, Sen. Rand Paul, should get more involved. Does Donald Trump need a lil' visit to the Aqua Buddha? Show him the way, Rand.
[Image via AP]