Conservative prankster James O'Keefe, the artless cad behind heavily edited video "stings" on NPR, ACORN, and other enemies of the state, has been paying for all of his work on his and his buddies' credit cards. Apparently it costs a lot of money to carry a camera and act like a jackass — $50,000, as it happens! So won't you be a peach and give him $50,000, or perhaps even $1 million? This is James O'Keefe's plea in an email to supporters.

O'Keefe explains that he and his friends have "hit a wall" after "running up major credit card debt" to finance their projects. He writes that it "cost us about $50,000 when all is said and done to produce the NPR video," which is incredible, and "If you help us raise over $50,000, it will go toward our next video — after we pay off our credits cards, of course." What other information could you possibly want from this notorious liar?

And then he asks for a million dollars: "If you help us pass $100,000 — we can do two new videos... And if by some chance, we raise $1,000,000 — we could expose 20 disturbing cases of government abuse and corruption. But, all I'm worried about is $50,000 right now."

Checkbooks out, people. James O'Keefe needs to meet his 29% APR minimums on several credit card accounts.

[via TPM, image via AP]