We've criticized Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams lately for some stupid things he's done and said on the internet. This makes us "Nazi wannabes," according to him.

Hot on the heels of his ludicrous defense of Gwyneth Paltrow, Adams displays the blowhard's gift of turning his petty hurt feelings into important social crisis. Adams wrote a long blog post today that he pretends is about how he sees "a lot of judging going around lately." Just random people randomly getting judged, you know? It is of course actually a tantrum over the fact that we made fun of him.

He opens his post modestly, with a rumination on Good and Evil. "What this world needs is some sort of universal standard so we'd always know for sure who is good and who is bad," Adams intones. That way, we could fairly judge people. (But what of shades of grey? Can anyone truly say if it is good or evil that a semi-humorous dribble of a cartoon like Dilbert was propelled to prominence while actually funny strips remain relatively unknown?)

Threadbare premise out of the way, Adams may now call us Nazis. He criticizes our own Brian Moylan for applauding Rachel Maddow's comment urging gay news anchors to come out of the closet:

Gawker… is pure evil. The writers are clearly lazy, based on their output and their lack of research, and their clear goal is to profit by hurting other people. In this case, they're preying on real or alleged members of the gay community for personal gain. That's entry level behavior on the Hitler meter

(This makes more sense if you replace "other people" and "gay community" with "Scott Adams, world's best person.")

Adams goes on to call us "Nazi wannabes" for wanting gay news anchors to be up front and proud about their gayness instead of perpetuating an insulting atmosphere of faux-bashfulness, just like Hitler.

For a guy who is so busy writing one whole mediocre comic strip every day and running a failing restaurant and defending racist Republicans, Scott Adams sure seems to have a lot of time to fixate on the stuff we write about him until his rage overflows in an incoherent word froth. You'd think he could at least come up with something better than the hackiest of internet slurs.

[Photo via AP]