Ben Stein—wacky creationist, conflict-of-interest-ridden former columnist, and slow-speaking Ferris Bueller teacher—is still in demand as a speaker, apparently, despite being provably wrong about things. But he's funny, by financial standards. Right? Yeah, too funny.

Well-known pinko liberal PC women's club Citigroup rescinded Stein's invitation to speak at an event next month after a lady emailed them to complain about some jokes Stein told at a speech earlier this year.

Women! Ha. But seriously, folks.

[One of the jokes] involved a female airline passenger who, realizing the flight is about to crash, takes off her clothes and asks if there is a man aboard who will "make me feel like a woman," according to Villarreal's e-mail, which was also sent to Bloomberg News. A cowboy in a hat removes his shirt, hands it to the woman, tells her to iron it and fetch him a beer.

To be fair, Stein says the jokes are being inaccurately retold, and the woman who complains, Lynda Villarreal, says she looked up the jokes on the internet based on her recollections. But then there's Stein's response: "For this woman to say this is just fantasy." Yeah, she has fantasies, alright! Ha. "When I was finished with this speech, dozens of women in the room came up to me and wanted their pictures taken with me, wanted autographs from me." They wanted more than autographs, I bet! Ha. "I got fan mail from women who had been at the group saying how much they liked the speech." Liked it or loved it? Ha.

Shut up, Ben Stein.

[Bloomberg. Photo: Getty]