Michelle Obama Will Not Rest Until Every Child in the World Is Exercising

When most people go on vacation, they forget about their workout routines and restrictive diets. Not Michelle Obama. She is, once again, advocating for children to exercise, this time on her trip to South Africa. How does she do it and never break a sweat?
Here she is doing pushups with some children and Archbishop Desmond Tutu (in brown). This is how she gets those arms, folks.
[Image via AP]

Michelle learned her juggling skills from the politicians in Washington. Are they playing Political Hot Potato, Pass the Buck, or Share the Blame?
[Image via AP]

Americans should not be teaching anyone how to play football soccer.
[Image via AP]

Even when doing a good deed, Michelle our belle somehow manages to look like an evil dictator.
[Image via AP]

All the exercising sure makes you hungry. Looks like Sasha and Malia would rather be back home with some Kraft Mac 'N' Cheez.
[Image via AP]