House Republicans Now Just Watching Ben Affleck Movies

Counselors at the youth summer camp that we know more commonly as the "House Republican Caucus of the 112th Congress" penciled in time for a movie yesterday! All of the campers were so excited to relax a little bit after pretending to be members of Congress for so long. And better yet, they got to watch an R-rated movie — without their parents' permission! Is that even legal?
Here's the scene as described by the Washington Post. They were meeting to discuss the their latest camp project, "Fucking Up the Nation's Credit For No Reason Whatsoever: Should We?" It's a tough one. But maybe Ben Affleck and his ragtag band of Boston goons were able to get through to these kids:
House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the party's vote counter, began his talk by showing a clip from the movie, "The Town", trying to forge a sense of unity among the independent-minded caucus.
One character asks his friend: "I need your help. I can't tell you what it is. You can never ask me about it later."
"Whose car are we gonna take," the character says.
After showing the clip, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), one of the most outspoken critics of leadership among the 87 freshmen, stood up to speak, according to GOP aides.
"I'm ready to drive the car," West replied, surprising many Republicans by giving his full -throated support for the [Boehner] plan.
What movie will they need to watch before, say, renewing the several expiring gas taxes? May have to bring in the porn for that one.
[Image via AP]