Now we know why Gov. Rick Perry is aggressively trying to change Texas' state university system to one where teachers are paid by how much money they bring in, and students are treated like "customers": It's to take on revenge on the professors who gave him horrible, no-good, very bad grades during his college days.

The Huffington Post got its hands on Perry's transcript from Texas A&M (see below), where he got a degree in animal science. He got two As, total, during his four years, some Bs, lots of Cs and Ds, and one F — which, to be fair, was in Organic Chemistry II, which has long been known to produce F students.

Perry's poor marks were the stuff of legend back in the day, too:

"A&M wasn't exactly Harvard on the Brazos River," recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. "This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke."

And that's why he'll be our next president.

Update: And yes, past presidents and presidential candidates from both parties have had terrible transcripts, too!

[Top Image via AP]