Once upon a time, McDonald's sold a nasty porkish meat sandwich called the McRib, featuring all of the entrails that fell on the floor of the slaughterhouse pressure-formed into a pleasing "rib" shape. The McRib's variegated bouquet of grease flavor and resemblance to a bloody giant slug corpse naturally made it a "cult favorite," meaning "staple of the American diet." Now it is back. You greasy, greasy bastards.

McDonald's brought the corn syrup-laden flesh puck back last year, temporarily, and cause quite the furor among ardent McFans, most of whom are Gawker commenters. Well, so, here it is again: "McDonald's plans to announce Monday that the sandwich, usually available only when individual restaurants feel like making it, will be sold at all U.S. locations through Nov. 14."

Each and every one of you disgusts me.

[USAT. Photo: jencu/ Flickr]