[There was a video here]

The morning muppets on today's episode of Fox News' illiterate dementia variety hour, Fox & Friends, had much to discuss. Well, really only Herman Cain.

Was he the victim of a "high-tech lynching" from the Politico, who pointed out that there were sexual harassment accusations and eventually settlements against him at his old job? Guest host Peter Johnson Jr., stepping in for what surely would have been a Steve Doocy at the top of his game today, also wonders cheekily if CEOs of major companies should have witnesses at all times when members of the opposite sex are around, to make sure no one starts playing chinny.

So what do you think, dear readers? Has the Politico pulled a "high-tech lynching," to quote the words of Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court confirmation trial, on Herman Cain, by investigating his background? Aren't we getting distracted from the real issues, like why Rick Perry is so gay?