Jennifer Lopez Was Giving Lap Dances to a Man Half Her Age

J.Lo was getting dirty in public with her new 20-something boytoy. Oscar de la Hoya likes it in the butt. Bethenny Frankel's cocktail may not be as pure as she thinks. Robert Wagner thought Natalie Wood was messing around the night she died. Monday's gossip lost its virginity a long time ago.
- Jennifer Lopez might have won the world over with her American Music Awards performance last night, but it's the dance that happened at the after-party that we really want to see. Apparently she disappeared into a VIP booth at the party at Greystone Manor with her 24-year-old boyfriend Casper Smart and was all up in his grill. Smart is one of J.Lo's backup dancers and was shirtless on stage with her at the American Music Awards. While he was showing off his hot bod and tattoos on TV, Miss Lopez (if she nasty) showed off her stripper skills by grinding on his lap, making out with him, and rubbing his bald head. OK, we get that. A hot guy with a bald head is impossible to resist. That's just scientific fact. And while Madonna is used to Lady Gaga biting off her style, it appears that J.Lo is next. We all know Madonna patented the "sleeping with a hot gentleman of color who is half her age" trick. Way to keep it fresh Jennifer! But I guess if I had to follow in someone's footsteps, I'd rather it be Madonna's that Paula Abdul's. [Us Weekly, Image via Getty]
- Is Oscar de la Hoya into booty bumps? You know where you put cocaine (or other drugs) up the butt so you can get high? Urban legend has it Stevie Nicks liked it this way, but a tough macho man like de la Hoya? That sounds crazy. Next thing you'll tell me is that he likes ladies' lingerie. A former model says that the boxer encouraged her to help him inhale cocaine using an "intimate area" "other than his nose" but never says exactly where it is. How many places does that leave? The mouth? The pee hole? Too normal and too scary. I'm thinking it's the butt. Oh, we never thought we'd see the day where we get to say Oscar de la Hoya likes it in the butt. She also talked about how he was abused by a female teacher as a kid and a bunch of sad stuff that I'm ignoring because I'm transfixed by the booty bumps. [P6]
- Reality star turned sugary cocktail mogul Bethenny Frankel is having even more trouble with her Skinnygirl Margarita. First it was pulled from the shelves at Whole Foods earlier this year for having a possibly carcinogenic preservative, now there's a $10 million class action lawsuit filed in Manhattan claiming that the drink uses shitty tequila. The label lists "100 percent blue agave tequila" but the suit alleges that the alcohol in the beverage is really "a lower quality and purity tequila by-product called mixto—essentially a mash of tequila and some unknown additives (rarely organic) which may comprise as much as 49 percent of the final mixed liquor." Damn. Next we're going to find out that drinking it doesn't make you skinny at all. Or a girl! [NY Post]
- Apparently the Coast Guard rescue worker that pulled Natalie Wood's body out of the ocean after her drowning death in 1981 was never questioned and he had some interesting revelations. Not only does he claim that she might have been saved if someone called the Coast Guard earlier to alert them of her disappearance, but he also said that her husband, Robert Wagner, had some disparaging remarks to say about her during their first interview. "When asked why Wagner hadn't called for help earlier, Wagner's reply was something to the effect of, 'We thought she was off on another boat screwing around because that's the kind of woman she is.''' Damn, that's harsh. Wagner and actor Christopher Walken were the only people with her on the boat the night she died. Oh, and so was captain Dennis Davern, who is now telling everyone the death is Wagner's fault and may be the reason the investigation into her death has been reopened. Speaking of Davern, he's also claiming he gave the three actors Quaaludes the night in question. Well, that's a horse (tranquilizer) of a whole different color. And might you happen to still have one somewhere, Davern? I know plenty of people who would pay a pretty penny to get their hands on the long-lost drug. [Radar Online, Radar Online, The Journal for Natalie Wood Investigative Studies formerly known as Radar Online]
- Get ready for the next of the celebrity spawn to make fun of. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's 16-year-old adopted son Connor Cruise was DJing at an event after the American Music Awards last night in L.A. under his musical moniker DJ C-Squared. We can't wait until he's the opening act on Chet Haze's "Second Generation Domination" tour. [TMZ]
- The saddest faceless ragdoll in all of tabloid land, Kate Major, has checked herself into rehab. Here's some tough love for you, honey: just because the press writes about you doesn't mean that you're a celebrity—or that anyone cares. [TMZ]
- The world's premiere scallywag (I'm not even sure what that word means, but it sounds like it fits) Prince Harry partied yet another night in Vegas. He went to a club and sat at a VIP table with three other boys, two girls, and two security guards and, while he greeted some female fans, he didn't get all down and dirty with any. He spent most of the night talking to his mates. his male mates. Does that mean I have a chance? I think it does. I need to get a ticket to Vegas. [People]
- Speaking of British people you might want to stalk Harry Potter's number one platonic ladyfriend Emma Watson is now studying at Oxford. What are you waiting for? [People]
- Liza Minnelli has broken her leg in three places! As Frank O'Hara would have said, "Oh Liza we love you get up." [TMZ]