Rick Santorum Made Entirely of Gay Porn
We've seen a Santorum campaign poster made out of (fake) Santorum, but this newest portrait of one of the crackpots who might be the Republican nominee for President (crazier things have happened) will get you a little bit more, um, excited. It's a picture of Rick Santorum made entirely out of gay porn.
Yes, the homosexuals at the embarrassingly-titled blog Unicorn Booty are showcasing this modern work of art that uses stills from gay porn movies to make an effigy of Santorum that will make him so angry he might spit the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. Actually, it probably won't do that, but it's fun to see a man who hates gay people and porn (and just about everything else that is fun and decent in modern American society) with his nose made out of an anal sex scene. Yes, fun indeed. Here's the full version if you want to see all the balls up close.