Mike Huckabee More Likely to Tour With Madonna Than Be Romney's VP Pick

Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee isn't afraid to express himself.
In this morning's interview on This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Huckabee was asked if the Romney campaign had vetted him for VP.
I'm going to ask you Gov. Huckabee the same question I asked Rick Santorum, have you been asked by the Romney campaign for your background information. Would you give it if they did?
Given Romney's sometimes less-than-conservative leanings, pundits have speculated that he will need a more established conservative on his ticket. Former Arkansas governor Huckabee is not only conservative — he's also a Southern Baptist pastor.
But he's not jumping at the opportunity to be Romney's VP, and he thinks it's unlikely that anyone will ask.
I have not been asked. I think there's a greater likelihood that I'll be asked by Madonna to go on tour as her bass player than I'll be picked to be on the ticket.
So there you have it. You can put away your Romney/Huckabee bumper stickers for the time being.
But hey, we can still hold out hope for Huckabee joining the Madonna tour. And since he's not being vetted, Huckabee might as well let a little nip slip.
[Image via AP]