The jury at the trial of Jerry Sandusky had already gone into deliberations when Sandusky's son Matt made allegations of sexual abuse against his father. The now-grown man, whom Sandusky and his wife Dottie adopted when he was a teenager, had previously denied any wrongdoing by his father.

Part of why he kept silent is that Matt Sandusky feared being charged with lying under oath. Defense attorney Karl Rominger quoted Matt Sandusky as saying, "The problem is, I don't want to get in trouble for perjury."

Matt's remarks were on a 25-minute tape that he made with the police. Rominger would not disclose what else was said.

As a general rule it's a tape of Matt (Sandusky) making the allegations. I don't feel comfortable going into specifics about what he says, but I'll say that he is an alleged victim, so that will tell you some.

Rominger went on to imply that he doubted Matt's story, noting that — like some of the other victims — Matt's memory of sexual abuse seemed to suddenly come back to him.

Jerry Sandusky was convicted on 45 of 48 charges related to his sexual abuse of children. He is currently awaiting sentencing.

[Image via AP]