Some asshole was arrested and beaten up by a Dutch girl in London yesterday after attempting to hit sprinter and noted polite person Usain Bolt with a bottle just before the start of the men's 100 meter final.

A police spokesman said the man, 34-year-old Ashley Gill-Webb, had been shouting abuse at Bolt as the racers took their marks. Video of the event captured Webb hurling a green plastic bottle at the runners, though it landed behind them and caused no injuries.

Another video appears to show him trying (and failing) to get Bolt's attention, then yelling, "You're not gonna win!"

Turns out this clown's psychic abilities are as poor as his aim and his manners: Bolt ran the race in 9.63 seconds, nabbing the gold and setting a new Olympic record.

Immediately after Gill-Webb threw the bottle, female Dutch judo competitor Edith Bosch, acting on behalf of the world, beat him up.

Here's Bosch's report on the incident, from her Twitter. (Translated from Dutch; extremely dramatic emphasis in the original):

"A drunken spectator threw a bottle onto the track! I HAVE BEATEN HIM... unbelievable."

Bosch won bronze in the women's under-70kg Judo competition earlier this month. She is now infinitely more famous than the athletes who won gold and silver.

Lord Sebastian Coe, chair of the London Olympic committee, called Bosch's beatdown of the bottle-thrower "poetic justice."

Even though it landed right behind them, the racers themselves remained largely unaware of the bottle incident until reporters started asking them about it after the race.

U.S. sprinter Justin Gatlin, who won the bronze medal, said he didn't think the race had been affected but did note that he heard the bottle fall.

"…when you're in those blocks and the whole stadium's quiet you can hear a pin drop."

Ashley Gill-Webb, who is from South Milford Leeds and drinks at a pub called "Queen O'Towd Thatch," was ejected from the arena immediately.

His mom is probably very embarrassed right now.

[Telegraph // Image via AP]