Scott Disick Bails on Kardashian Christmas Card Photo Shoot, Forever Altering the Face of Modern American Art

Every year in the United States and parts of Europe, the Khristmas season kicks off with the release of the Kardashian family publicity still.
Last year, the family embraced the barrenness of winter by posing in rigid proximity to one another and gazing out in different directions, each one a Demeter scanning the bleak horizon in search of her Persephone, and also there was a baby dressed like a 1920s gangster. (See above)
In 2009, the theme of the card was Ryan Seacrest, so Ryan Seacrest posed with the family and blessed Kourtney's womb so that she became hugely pregnant.
Now In Touch reports that Christmas has been officially and irrevocably ruined—might as well cancel the whole damn thing, there's no joy it in anymore—because Kourtney Kardashian's boyfriend (and two-time babydaddy) Scott has skipped the 2012 shoot to make an "appearance at a nightclub" in Las Vegas.
Witnesses reported that Disick, who all of a sudden just appeared at the nightclub, was "smoking and drinking all night," when he should have been standing angrily next to his girlfriend's family who despise him.
Worst of all, this diss-ick was planned; according to In Touch, Kourtney warned her mom Kris ahead of time that Scott would not be attending the photo shoot. They had this discussion, loudly at a gym, which is the Kardashian equivalent of quietly, in the privacy of their own home. Kim, also on hand, observed that he "obviously didn't care" — an arena in which she has a great deal of experience.
Plan B was to Photoshop Scott into the family portrait (here are the Kardashians making snow angels in power blue menswear—AND HERE'S ROB IN OUTERSPACE), but he's even making that difficult.
In Touch reports he has made no efforts to have his photo taken and, as Scott was raised Amish, there are no other pictures of him in existence.
Kris Jenner, family matriarch and the associate director of Christmas, is said to be "livid" over the whole affair.
The holidays were fun while they lasted.