Just what is Lady Gaga up to these days? Is she still serving as scaffolding for tiny construction workers? Or copying Justin Bieber as he copies Aaron Carter? Nope. Instead she has discovered a new art in the form of slam poetry.

South African rap group Die Antwoord recently released the video for their song, "Fatty Boom Boom." It is pretty clear they are not Li††le Mons†ers, as the video ends (spoiler alert) with Lady Gaga being eaten by a lion. Lady Gaga responded with her newly cultivated art form, slam poetry (or rap, depending on how you read it):

The tweet is a reference to Die Antwoord's song "I Fink U Freaky," Gaga's upcoming concerts in South Africa, and the fact that Gaga knows how to rhyme in 140 characters or less.

She also fired this one off:

Gaga had asked Die Antwoord to open for her. They did not like the idea.

Stay tuned to Gaga's Twitter feed for her next foray into the literati, an epic poem dissing M.I.A.

[Image via Getty]