After nearly two faithful years as Lindsay Lohan's No. 1 speed-dial homie, Steve Honig has decided to quit his job as publicist for the star, which also happens to be the second-worst job in America after being Lindsay Lohan's dad. Honig, obviously, has no problem with Lindsay's poor Porsche-handling skills, her romance with that guy "Klaus," or all that coke drama with Lindsay and her best friend, Dina Lohan. No, according to Honig just can't stand her dad. TMZ reports:

Michael Lohan tells us, he butted heads with Steve big time in the weeks leading up to his Lindsay intervention on Friday — but things came to a head over the weekend, when Steve released a statement saying Lindsay's management team had nothing to do with Michael's plans.

Michael flipped on Steve over the statement, calling him a "f**king liar" in a text message.

Though Honig has not officially commented, we assume that he is somewhere in a bar right now, getting teary-eyed and nostalgic, chuckling to himself about all the great memories. Like, remember all those times she passed out from dehydration? She never learned to drink water! Or all those weird cases of walking pneumonia? How about that time she allegedly caused $100,000 worth of damages to Elizabeth Taylor's old trailer? Ha, OK yeah, I guess that sort of sucked for Honig.

Still, we assure you that Steve Honig is somewhere in a bar, drinking and laughing.

[TMZ; Photo via AP]