If you order anything from McDonald's breakfast menu aside from hot cakes or some sort of biscuit sandwich, you deserve to be disappointed and/or disgusted. That said, no ordering mishap, not even one as egregious as that, merits the discovery of a nose ring in your breakfast burrito.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to a Georgia woman after she took her four-year-old daughter to the golden arches for breakfast. Frances Rosario says her daughter was about halfway through her burrito when she noticed the jewelry.

"I turned it and I see this piece of jewelry sticking out," Rosario said. "I'm like, 'What the heck is this?'"
"My concern was that if something happened and she had swallowed it," Rosario said.

Since McDonald's didn't respond to CBS Atlanta's request for comment, the nose ring's origins remain a mystery. As the Daily Mail's fine reporting tells us, McDonald's bans employees from having most facial piercings.

"Visible body piercing must be removed with the exception of one small earring in each ear and a small stud nose piecing," [the Mcdonald's guidbook] explains.

"Large loop earrings or gauges can be dangerous and are not allowed. All jewelry must be in good taste and professional. The manager may request removal of jewelry they feel looks unprofessional."

So was this the case of a rogue employee? Is some rebellious teenager in Lawrenceville, Georgia desperately hoping no one notices her missing piercing after hearing about the story on local news? Perhaps we'll never know.

One thing is for certain, though; Rosario is done with McDonald's for now.

"For now, I'm going to stay back from McDonald's for a little while," Rosario said.

Good move, Frances. If you play your cards right, you could end up like Mitt Romney's dad, with free McDonald's for life.

[via the NY Daily News]