Comcast, your back-to-back Worst Company in America champion, responded to a series of particularly egregious customer service screwups by putting a VP in charge of making the company's phone support a little less like the wrong side of the Acheron. It isn't working.

Previously, the best weapon a customer had against being overcharged, misled, or otherwise run through the wringer by the nation's largest internet service provider was a recording of the call. In some documented cases this year, those recordings were the only thing spurring the company to solve customers' problems.

But even that doesn't seem to be good enough anymore. In a new recording posted on Reddit and dated Dec. 29, a customer calls to complain about mysterious monthly increases in his bill. When he's told his promotion ended after three months, he leans on a call he taped in August, in which a Comcast rep promised him the same rate for a year.

Even when he offers to play the tape—something that's forced Comcast's hand in the past—Comcast refuses to honor the previous quote, instead offering him half the speed for the same price. What a steal!

"We are putting customers at the center of every decision we make," said CEO Neil Smit when he appointed the new customer service VP in September.

Certainly the company will continue this helpful customer-first attitude if allowed to merge with fellow cable titan Time Warner Cable, which just edged out Comcast as the nation's most-hated brand, according to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index.

Happy New Year, America!

[h/t Reddit]