According to, researchers have discovered two new species of antechinus, a marsupial whose breeding period is characterized by weeks of frenzied, 14-hour fuckfests until the males get so stressed out they literally die.

Lead researcher Dr. Andrew Baker compared the animals’ unusual mating habits to popular HBO fuckfest series Game of Thrones. From ABC Australia:

“There’s orgies of violence and sex and, in antechinus, it happens every year.”

After a few weeks of copulation, the rise in stress hormones causes the male’s immune system to collapse, with the result far from a happy ending.

“They’ll bleed internally, they have ulcers, their fur falls off in patches, sometimes they’re stumbling around blind and still trying to mate,” Dr Baker said.

Unfortunately, the marsupials’ fun-sounding sex life also leaves them particularly vulnerable to extinction. Scientists at Queensland University of Technology say that five of the 15 known species of antechinus are currently threatened, including one of the two super horny species announced last week.

“It’s very possible some of these beautiful species could go extinct,” said Dr. Baker, which, if you think about it, would be like Game of Thrones getting cancelled.

[Image via Flickr/Alan Couch]