
Rand Paul Is So Full of Shit About Being 'Detained' by the TSA

Max Read · 01/23/12 01:11PM

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (of the Paul Libertarian Blimp Empire) hates the TSA. It's his "signature issue" — his contentious questioning about the agency's aggressive security policies got him a lot of positive press among internet conservatives and libertarians last year. So must have been really excited, just, positively tumescent when TSA agents asked to pat him down this morning, and he refused. "Just got a call from @senrandpaul. He's currently being detained by TSA in Nashville," his communications director Moira Bagley Tweeted shortly after. The only thing is, though, Rand Paul was never actually "detained" by the TSA.

Broke 99 Percenter Trapped in Airport for Eight Terminal-Like Days

Lauri Apple · 11/03/11 06:23AM

When Sonoma County resident Teri Weissinger showed up at the San Francisco International Airport with nothing but her luggage, a plane ticket to Idaho, and $30, she had no idea she'd end up spending more than a week there. What the hell happened?

TSA Finds 5 Guns a Day

Seth Abramovitch · 11/03/11 02:13AM

The head of the TSA told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that airport screeners find an average of five guns per day packed in travelers' luggage.

When Air Travel Was Totally Cool

Brian Moylan · 10/03/11 03:45PM

With the new series Pan Am on TV, everyone is thinking about what air travel was like back when it was sophisticated. You know, the good old days when people dressed up to travel and airports were wonderful monuments of design. There are even pictures of this lost era!

TSA Gives Creepy Scalp Massage to Woman With Afro

Lauri Apple · 09/22/11 03:18AM

As part of the TSA's efforts to stop black women from always trying to board airplanes with their hairdos full of explosives and boxcutters, an agent at Atlanta's airport made Dallas-based hairstylist Isis Brantley submit to a thorough Afro search. And a free head massage! Security checkpoints are the new spas.

Playboy Playmate Arrested for Bringing Loaded Gun to Airport

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 02:43PM

Playboy Playmate Shanna McLaughlin—also known as "Miss July 2010" and the winner of PlayboyTV's Shoot Out reality show—was arrested at Orlando's airport today after TSA found a loaded .45 Colt revolver in a duffel bag that she intended to bring on airplane.

Google Mixup Leads to Tax-Time Nightmare for Tiny Airport

Adrian Chen · 04/15/11 05:05PM

It's almost Tax Day, which means everyone is frantically googling the IRS to figure out how to get an extension. But if you search for "IRS" on Google Maps it leads you to a tiny airport in Michigan. This has caused some problems, it turns out.