
Alec Baldwin Thinks The Time For Producer-Shaming Is Now

seth · 12/04/07 08:30PM

Having just hit his stride with an Emmy-buzz-building role and a cast that he genuinely enjoyed seeing every day, Alec Baldwin seems to us as apt a poster child as any for the tragic human toll the writers strike has taken on our creative community. In his darkest moments, Baldwin has turned to the Huffington Post to blog out the pain: Having written previously of "this motherfucking, motherfucking, motherfucking strike" that keeps him from his beloved 30 Rock family, the actor's latest dispatch suggests a radical shift of WGA strategy—shaming producers online until they are brought to their knees:

mark · 11/19/07 07:32PM

In his latest Huffington Post dispatch, 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin, despite trying to keep things light by first calling attention to something that gives him joy—Ryan Gosling's great work in Lars and the Real Girl— finally succumbs to despair: "I miss my make-up artist, Stacey Panepinto. I miss my hairstylist, Richard Esposito. I miss all of the 30 ROCK cast and crew, who I don't see anymore because of this motherfucking, motherfucking, motherfucking strike." While he's understandably anguished by the unpleasant consequences of the strike, we're sure that the consummate artist will find a way to channel those feelings into tonight's live performance of his sitcom, delivering an especially poignant performance of the bravura moment that's sure to bring him an Emmy, one so impassioned that those in attendance will swear he momentarily transformed into Jimmie Walker. [HuffPo]

Alec Baldwin Campaigns On Behalf Of America's Potentially Piggy Children

seth · 11/14/07 02:55PM

Alec Baldwin recently took the time to send a personal letter to Hillary Clinton and her fellow senators, imploring them to vote no on a proposed $10 billion farm subsidies bill before that could potentially turn already overweight children into a generation of cream-cheese-and-donut gobbling gluttons with an upper-range life expectancy of 14. From the NY Daily News:

Maggie · 11/06/07 05:20PM

In specific: Alec Baldwin hates "horrible" Amsterdam Avenue—all those bars. He would also like a job, if WNYC is hiring. We've got the audio from today's Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC: Have a listen!

Alec Baldwin Says The Upper West Side Is The Dirtiest Neighborhood In Town

Maggie · 11/06/07 11:57AM

Hey Alec. Honey, we all know off-the-cuff situations involving recorded audio aren't exactly your forte. We've talked about this in our last meeting, remember? About how you were going to call your publicists before you got that urge to say something moroni—sorry, creative—anywhere near a mic? So what is this I'm hearing about your having called into the locally-beloved WNYC Brian Lehrer Show just now during a quaint little discussion about city streetscapes to trash his tote-bag-toting audience's favorite neighborhood? You couldn't possibly have mentioned, during a live taping, that the Upper West Side is "one of the dirtiest neighborhoods" in the city? That its cachet is marred by "all the mid-priced restaurants" clogging up the place? And you actually let on that you've lived in this dirty mid-priced neighborhood for years? Those liberal literazzi will so hunt you down, bro. If you survive the week, give me a ring and we'll talk about an ironic make-nice SNL appearance. Or maybe a permanent Left Coast relocation. You are so fucked. Lotsa love, Matt Hiltzik & the gang.

Parental Extortion In The Post-Imus, Post-Baldwin Age

Maggie · 11/02/07 11:20AM

Another celebrity's potty-mouthed racism has been exposed, blah blah blah—especially since we're not sure that "Dog" the Bounty Hunter, the latest "gotcha" tabloid victim, really qualifies as such? However, we are impressed by his ability to so alienate his son that the kid has no problem selling a tape he made of his dad being a total prick on the phone to a tabloid for wads of cash. It's the new thing! Getting parental revenge, Ireland Baldwin-style.

mark · 10/31/07 12:37PM

Perhaps still giddy from the raves earned by his recent tour de force journey through Tracy Morgan's troubled childhood, 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin stands upon his HuffPo soapbox to pledge his solidarity with the WGA's cause: "The not-so-secret truth is that everyone in show business, of those who live 'above-the-line,' are overpaid. The only ones above-the-line who usually are not are the writers. Let's hope there is no strike and let's hope the writers get a good contract." [HuffPo]

Alec Baldwin's '30 Rock' One-Man Tour-De-Force

seth · 10/26/07 04:49PM

Last night, nestled in an episode of the consistently hilarious 30 Rock starring Carrie Fisher as the ghost of Liz Lemon's schizophrenic, rat-infested future, was a scene of less than two minutes in duration that could easily go down as one the greatest acting triumphs of this or any other generation. In it, Sir Alec Baldwin (is he not a Sir yet? Because he should be) inhabits no less than five figures from Tracy Jordan's formative years, seamlessly traversing age, gender, and ethnic lines with a proficiency that would make a bitterly envious Eddie Murphy storm out of the room faster than he did on Oscar night. Jack Donaghy, we salute you.

Did Alec Baldwin Just Finally Win An Emmy?

Joshua Stein · 10/26/07 11:00AM

Last night on the NBC show "30 Rock," Alec Baldwin reached the apotheosis of his dark and stormy acting career, a career that has had so very many funny moments. (Remember that voicemail he left for his daughter? Hilarious!) Baldwin lost the 2007 Emmy (his sixth nomination!) to Ricky Gervais (foreigners, always taking our jobs!)—but now we're feeling confident that his public rehabilitation is complete.

Softballed Baldwins, Homeless Chairys, and Mannish-Woman Types

mark · 10/04/07 07:52PM

· After what he did to Paris Hilton the other night, we were expecting David Letterman to lead off his Alec Baldwin interview with, "So, you had a little trouble with some voicemail or something a few months ago, eh?" Instead, we got a story about a boat. But we suppose the Hilton segment earned Letterman a night off.
· Chuck Zito generously offers to referee the theoretical, $5 million grudge match between Pam Anderson exes Kid Rock and Tommy Lee, or failing that, just beat the shit out of them both.
· Metromix divides the town into LC and Heidi-friendly zones, helping fans of The Hills stay on turf where they'll feel safe.
· We always knew that tramp Chairy was going to wind up on the street. All Pee Wee's bitches do.
· Here's hoping the proprietor of the Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians blogspot doesn't give up before the premise is thoroughly exhausted. There are still some places to take it, even after hitting Bruce Jenner.

Alec Baldwin To Solve The Iraq Problem

mark · 07/27/07 11:20AM

Before you make the assumption that Baldwin's Iraq solution involves driving a van through the streets of Baghdad and using a megaphone to berate any cowering insurgents for being "rude, thoughtless little pigs" who refuse to return America's calls in a timely fashion, realize that this is not just another Hollywood dilettante popping off about the war: this man has a unique perspective on bloody conflicts that drag on for years, and when he discusses how to fight back against enemies that are "bold, vicious and unflagging in numbers" and who want to put "their boot heel into our neck," he speaks from a place of weary experience.

Alec Baldwin Feels Inadequate

Erica · 06/27/07 11:08AM

The date: June 22, 2007
The place: University & 11th
Sighted: Walking up University Place on my way to Union Square, I had to jump out of the way of a maniacal Alec Baldwin, who was frantically chasing after a brunette. The only thing is that she wasn't running away, and I don't think he even knew her, because he ran up to her saying, "Excuse me! Excuse me!" Is he that desperate for a date?! They exchanged words for a few minutes and then she walked off, at which point he stumbled into the street. At first I thought he was crying, but it turns out he was just furrowing his brow and gripping his chest. I thought he was going keel over in the middle of the street. He then got back into his SUV (which I guess he had jumped out of in pursuit of this chick, who wasn't that hot) and drove off down 12th Street.

Alec Baldwin Throws Himself Back Into CAA's Evil Embrace

mark · 05/23/07 08:07PM

During the entirety of the ugly affair that saw Alec Baldwin so desperate to repair his voicemail-damaged image that he publicly mused about quitting 30 Rock and willingly ran through The View's confessional gauntlet, we were never more worried about his well-being than when he unexpectedly fired CAA, a move that indicated he'd hit rock bottom with such force that he no longer feared the chilling consequences that inevitably follow any attempt by an earner to jilt the evil agenting monolith. This afternoon, however, it seems that Baldwin is pulling out of his tailspin, as Variety reports that he's back with CAA after a month-long cooling-off period. "I could not imagine being represented by anyone other than Matt DelPiano," said Baldwin through a rep, showing that the actor is finally emotionally healthy enough to realize that CAA wasn't kidding around when it left all those notes underneath his windshield wiper reading, "If you so much as take a lunch with William Morris, you'll wake up with Billy's severed head on your pillow tomorrow."

'Times' to Readers: Try Not To Think About Boorish Hollywood Dads

jliu · 05/19/07 05:30PM

New York Times Theorist of Celebrity Caryn James needs just 39 words today to authoritatively defeat our vulgarian fascination with the likes of the David Hasselhoff daughter-abuse videotape and the Alec Baldwin daughter-abuse audiotape. "These new leaks simply draw all of us into family battles where we don't belong," reasons a firm but feisty Ms. James. "Beyond the humane idea that some things really should remain private, even for fame-mongers, these leaks have an insidious snowball effect on the culture." Fortunately, for reasons of context, James precedes her renunciative 39 words with 477 drawing us into the Hasselhoff and Baldwin battles, and follows them with 504 more regarding these two things which "really should remain private." You know, just to confirm exactly what we should not be caring about.

Jeff Zucker Is Alec Baldwin With Less Screaming At Child, Even Less Hair

balk · 05/01/07 11:13AM

The new Fortune profile of bald, internet-loving NBC chief Jeff Zucker doesn't bring anything to the table in terms of information—Some people think Jeff Zucker is an asshole! NBC is in a lot of trouble! Somehow Zucker still has a job! "Joey" really sucked!—but is of some interest because of its premise. You see, Zucker is a lot like Jack Donaghy, the fictional beleaguered NBC exec on the actual semi-popular NBC sitcom "30 Rock." Donaghy is played by Alec Baldwin, whose recent telecommunications issues have made him oh-so-ubiquitous in the media lately. Fortune did a photoshoot and a "humorous" interview with the pair, which it subsequently decided "amidst the subsequent Baldwin controversy, not to use in the magazine." Because controversy is really best just ignored when trying to sell magazines. At least they ran 'em online—our personal favorite is the image to the right. Oh gosh, jeez, good golly, one can only imagine what Baldwin's saying into the "phone"!

Tribeca Partisans Defend Alec Baldwin's Honor

Doree · 04/30/07 01:30PM

Alec Baldwin's new movie, Suburban Girl, based on Melissa Bank's A Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing, has him playing a character who is "divorced. He's estranged from his daughter. He hasn't spoken to her in years and is resigned to just leaving her voicemails. He is an alcoholic struggling with his sobriety." Huh! But the audience at Tribeca, where the film premiered, was standing by its man during the Q&A session after the screening.

Alec Baldwin's Own Blog Turns On Him

Emily · 04/27/07 02:17PM

You know what's becoming increasingly clear? The internet is going to put the psychotherapy industry out of business. While most civilians will have to rely on therapist-bot Eliza, if you're a celebrity—or a person with a blog, which is sort of the same thing!—you can always depend on the kindness, and unkindness, of strangers. Here are those strangers' hot tips for the most embattled actor of this week.