
Did an Anonymous Wikipedia Editor Try to Out the Petraeus Affair Back in January? (UPDATE)

Cord Jefferson · 11/12/12 07:39PM

Look into the history of Paula Broadwell's Wikipedia page and there's not much to it before last Friday. That's the day Republican golden boy and former CIA director David Petraeus resigned as the nation's top spy amid allegations he was cheating on his wife with Broadwell, his biographer. Broadwell's page was so lackluster, in fact, that in February, one Wikipedia editor, Bgwhite, requested to delete it entirely, saying Broadwell was not notable.

Why Has the Other Woman In the Petraeus Sex Scandal Lawyered Up?

John Cook · 11/12/12 02:22PM

Among the many odd, swirling facts surrounding the unfolding David Petraeus scandal: Jill Kelley, the longtime friend of the former CIA director who reportedly went to the FBI complaining of harassing emails from Petraeus' mistress Paula Broadwell, has reacted to the mess by bringing out the scandal equivalent of heavy artillery. She's hired DC superlawyer Abbe Lowell and crisis PR specialist Judy Smith—despite the fact that the FBI has concluded its investigation and there are no criminal allegations on the table.

Your Parents Took Out Loans for Your Education and Now They're Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/12 09:50AM

Look at this guy, Opanin Gyaami, right here: he's a dentist, he's 71 years old, and he's still repaying his student loans, from the 1980s! When you see a wacky case like this, it's natural to ask yourself, "Ignoring the fact that Mr. Gyaami is a bad example because his debt is largely due to the fact that he ignored repayment notices for an extended period of time, can we use this wacky story as a 'news hook' to humanize a larger, newsworthy trend?" The answer is: "Yes we can." The trend is that your parents are probably broke, thanks to you.

MTanzer · 11/11/12 02:41PM

Paul McCartney almost died. That would leave Ringo as the last Beatle standing. Eep.

Hillary Clinton Just Wants to Take A Nap, Get Jacked, and Watch HGTV

MTanzer · 11/11/12 02:09PM

Now that President Obama has been reelected, we can focus on more important things like the 2016 presidential race. The big question on everyone's mind right now is whether or not Hillary Clinton will run in the next election. She told Obama a long time ago that she would not return to serve as Secretary of State in the President's second term. So what is a former first lady and Senator to do with a bunch of time off?

David Petraeus Might Have to Testify Before Congress

MTanzer · 11/11/12 12:53PM

If you're General David Petraeus, you're probably not having a very relaxing Sunday morning. And if General Petraeus was tuning into Fox News this morning, he's probably having a bit less of anything resembling a good morning.

Internet And Cell Phones, North Korean Style

Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 01:00PM

Before going on, I want everyone to locate and read Nothing to Envy, the best account yet of the lives of ordinary North Koreans. OK? Everyone done? The most striking scene in the book illustrated just how isolated the country is: North Koreans, in possession of an ancient mobile phone, huddled at an isolated spot on the northern border where one bar of reception would occasionally leak over from China.

Selena Gomez Dumped Justin Bieber

Taylor Berman · 11/10/12 01:05AM

According to literary journals E! and Us Weekly, Selena Gomez dumped Justin Bieber last week. The two had dated for just about two years. In fact, as Us Weekly reminds us, their relationship started exactly two years ago this month in the world's most romantic restaurant.

Did Paula Broadwell's Cuckolded Husband Write a Letter to Chuck Klosterman in the The New York Times?(UPDATE)

Taylor Berman · 11/09/12 11:36PM

In the July 13th edition of Klosterman's The Ethicist advice column for the New York Times, an anonymous reader wrote in seeking advice about an affair his wife was having with a "government executive" whose job "is seen worldwide as a demonstration of American leadership." The anonymous reader went on to praise the government executive as "gracious" and "absolutely the right person for the job." He then asked if he should acknowledge the affair or let it continue until the project succeeds. Sounds like the government executive could hold a position like, say, the director of the CIA, right? In other words, did Paula Broadwell's husband know about her affair with David Petraeus and then turn to, of all people, Chuck Klosterman for advice? Maybe!

How Dare Someone Try to Shoot Down One of Our Drones?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/12 03:20PM

Sound the war bells, grab your gear, and prepare to man the bombers, fellow Americans: the dirty nation of IRAN has wiped its shit-stained bootheel upon our national sovereignty, in the following manner: they shot at one of our spy drones. We say it was outside of Iranian territory; they dispute that. Either way, the strong, muscular foreign policy view of this must be: Hey, That Was Ours, And We Must Escalate Into All Out War, Or We Might Look Weak. From The Guardian: