
Georgians Vote for 'My Neighbors Cat' and 'Burning Bag of Dogshit' over Anti-Science Congressman

Max Read · 11/09/12 10:58AM

As we wrote last night, dead Englishman Charles Darwin received some 4,000 write-in votes in the race for Georgia's tenth congressional district, owing to the anti-science statements of his, uh, opponent, Republican Rep. Paul Broun. But Darwin wasn't the only write-in candidate! Local Athens publication Flagpole has a list of all the write-in candidates. And basically every single one would make a better candidate than Paul Broun, including, for example, "ANY NON-INSANE INDIVIDUAL":

Someone Broke Into Nancy Pelosi's Swanky Wine Den Monday Night

Robert Kessler · 11/07/12 04:45PM

Sometimes after a long day rubbing self-tanner on John Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi needs a break. And if stretching her feet out and having a glass of pinot gris at her swanky pad in Napa Valley is what does the trick, then that's her prerogative.

Did College Education Zombie Brainwashing Secure Obama's Victory?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/12 01:59PM

Many theories have already been bandied about for why Barack Obama secured his reelection last night: fundamental demographic changes in the voting base, ossified Republican proposals, the creaky inability of Mitt Romney to appear convincingly humanoid. But only one member of the pundit class has been incisive enough to peer more deeply into the true rotten, beating heart of Obama's victory: our national system of liberal zombification centers. (Colleges.)

Tammy Baldwin & Elizabeth Warren Elected to Senate, Richard 'Rape Is God's Gift' Mourdock and Todd 'Legitimate Rape' Akin Lose

Taylor Berman · 11/06/12 10:49PM

Bad night to be an old white Republican man with a terrible understanding of science and rape: both Richard "Rape Pregnancies Are God's Gifts" Mourdock and Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin lost their races; Mourdock was defeated by Joe Donnelly in the Indiana Senate race, and Claire McCaskill easily beat Akin to retain her Missouri Senate spot.

Chris Christie Cried After Getting a Hug From Bruce Springsteen, Is Still Totally & Weirdly Obsessed

Taylor Berman · 11/06/12 12:54AM

These days, Bruce Springsteen fandom is like a rite of passage for middle-aged politicians/political pundits. But no one, not even David Brooks in Europe, comes close to Hurricane Sandy breakout star Chris Christie's obsession. Dude has reportedly seen Springsteen live over 130 times and is known to enter a prayer-like trance/fall asleep during the Boss's concerts.

A Man-Eating Leopard Is Running Wild in Nepal

Taylor Berman · 11/05/12 09:56PM

If you were thinking about going to Nepal (or, if you already live there), consider yourself warned: there's a man-eating leopard on the loose that, so far, has killed and devoured 15 people, including 10 children. The most recent victim was a 4-year-old child, who was reportedly snatched from his family's yard by the jungle cat and taken into the forest where authorities found his head.