
Remainders: Steve Jobs Will Devour This Town

Jessica · 07/12/06 06:20PM

Another Apple Store in Manhattan? Are you fucking kidding us? [Curbed]
• The Constitution does not allow Times photographers to take pictures of bridges. It's, like, written in a secret amendment or something. [The Daily Politics]
WWD, left high and dry by the departure of media reporter Jeff Bercovici and the impending escape of Sara James, hires Irin Carmon, who graduated from Harvard two days ago and has since been freelancing all over the damn place. [The Media Mob]
• On behalf of America, Adam Carolla hangs up on Ann Coulter. [Chortler]
• A Spin without Andy Pemberton means a Spin without a sex columnist. Say goodbye to Joanna Angel. [FishbowlNY]
• The Conde Nast cafeteria comes to the newly absorbed Fairchild, bringing with it a spaceship atmosphere and Balthazar croissants. [NYO]
• Come this fall, figure skater Johnny Weir shake his thing on the Bryant Park runway for Heatherette. You go, girl. [NewNowNext]

But Can a Homeless Model Sell iPods?

Jessica · 07/07/06 08:34AM

We simply can't look away from tragiumphant Isobella Jade, the bewitching ragamuffin who has been living out of a suitcase and working herself as a succesful 5'2" model. FishbowlNY first discovered Isobella's genius when she pitched her memoir in an email written completely in the third person; her story focuses on her rise to vagrancy and was written entirely while in the Soho Apple Store, the office of choice for many an itinerant genius.

More Wisdom From the Tragically Short Model

Jessica · 06/30/06 10:20AM

FishbowlNY introduced us yesterday to "perhaps the most successful model in nyc under the height of 5'4," Isobella Jadeco, a successful-yet-homeless young woman pitching her life story, in the third person, as entirely composed in the Soho Apple Store. They've followed up with a brief interview, in which we learn that Isobella was actually a successful nude model (there's the catch). Also, she admits that she may have misrepresented herself:

Homeless Model Overcomes Her Woefully Inadequate Stature

Jessica · 06/29/06 10:50AM

The sexy/hungry young lady at right is Isobella Jadeco, a homeless jane-of-all-trades who, despite her vertically challenged lot in life, has become "perhaps the most successful model in nyc under the height of 5'4." But for all of her petite success, Jadeco is living out of a suitcase and trying to pitch her memoir, composed entirely in the Soho Apple Store. She pitches FishbowlNY in the third person:

Let's have Wired run the Valley

Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 10:11AM

Oh boy, another list! The ink has hardly dried on Business 2.0 Magazine's People Who Matter list, and Wired Magazine has already trumped it with the annual "Wired 40" list. While Business 2.0 is just playing Truman Capote, Wired's list is a de facto investment guide for the casual midwestern techie. Some highlights:

Apple's iPod maker says Apple approved its Chinese sweatshop

Nick Douglas · 06/26/06 01:13PM

Oh man, when's China gonna stop being such a human-rights hard charger and loosen up its labor laws? Foxconn, Apple's iPod manufacturer, finally fesses up to what it denied earlier: forcing minimum-wage employees to work an extra 80 hours a month. Guess that's too much for China's strict labor watchdogs. Curse that hippie land of worker freedom and prosperity!

Get ready for 50-cent Macs

Nick Douglas · 06/21/06 10:00AM

While Bill Gates trashes the $100 laptop from MIT, Apple — known for its super-pricey toys — is cutting deals with rapper 50 Cent for a branded cheap computer for inner-city kids. Not that this is news to you well-informed readers, but once it hit the magazine Vibe, the story felt unavoidable.

Morning video: Convenient iPod music is now protest-worthy

Nick Douglas · 06/20/06 10:00AM

With all the hoopla in the tech world over trivia like censorship or the turning of political dissidents over to oppressive foreign governments, it's good to know that this weekend, brave protesters picketed the San Francisco Apple store for that most basic of human rights — the right to play all kinds of music on the iPod. Blogging filmmakers Kent and Jen publish video from the Digital Rights Management protest.

Dvorak shoots for another bait-and-switch

Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 08:51PM

PC Magazine columnist John C. Dvorak follows up the "How I bait Mac users" video (which whipped bloggers into a frenzy) with an "I'm sorry, I'm flabbergasted" column. Now Dvorak says that his baiting trick only worked three times in his career — and that he's amazed how many people blew up at this video.

Remainders: Shouldn't Shiloh Really Be Selling Condoms or the Pill?

Jessica · 06/14/06 05:50PM

People mag has a major opportunity for you, cash-throwing advertiser — placement of your ad space near Shiloh. Dodge takes the bait. Is there anything that baby can't sell? [LeftLane]
• Without Pete Doherty, would the British press simply cease to exist? Every single day, the crackhead inspires a new, stupid story. Today, he's found Jesus. Tomorrow, he'll have found another rusty syringe. [FF]
• Just another reason to loathe Bill O'Reilly, courtesy of his 10-room Manhasset estate. [Cryptome]
• A Suicide Girl attempts to spend 7 days straight in the Fifth Avenue Apple Store (open 24 hours). If David Blaine had any thunder, this might steal some of it. [SuicideGirls]
• It's kind of sad when construction workers would rather read the WSJ than ogle your ass. [Things That Make You Go Hmmm]
• Marc Jacobs dumps his boyfriend; not even the twink's Marc Jacobs tattoo could lube the relationship. [Towleroad]
• Way up at 158th Street rests Safety City, "a special place to how to cross streets, drive bicycles, and ride in cars safely." [Amish in the City]
• An extra to-do for you tonight: John Mayer will be testing his skills at the Comedy Cellar at 11 PM. His comedy skills, that is. Panty-throwing still appropriate. [BWE]
• Eva Longoria is determined to prove that she can be just as annoying through the written word, thus her forthcoming erotic novel, to be ghostwritten by the editors of Maxim. [BookStandard]
• In their defense, only porn is going to distract Katrina victims from their problems. [CNN]
• From the creators of the Greg Gutfeld Show comes Keira Knightley's Jaw, a blog documenting exactly that. Better than Keira Knightley's Pout, which just makes you want to punch things. [Keira Knightley's Jaw]

Morning video: John Dvorak trolls Mac fans for fun and profit

Nick Douglas · 06/12/06 09:00AM

PC Magazine columnist and veteran tech pundit John C Dvorak explains his Mac-fan baiting method in this video by Dave Winer. The best part isn't Dvorak admitting that he writes like a weasel (duh), nor that he's saying all this in the San Fran Apple store. It's cameraman Dave Winer asking "what the point" is.