
This Week’s Best Apps

Remy Stern · 05/27/11 04:56PM

In this week's app roundup: leafs, identified; music, voice recognized; Jackass, documented; keyboards, personalized; BBC News, Androidified; Amazon free apps, notified; food, stylized; and much, much more. [Gizmodo]

Typography Insight Makes Learning Fonts Gorgeous and Easy

Sam Biddle · 05/23/11 08:40PM

lot of people can get through life without having to stray far from 12 point Times New Roman. Maybe 13 if they're cheating on a paper. But typography is fascinating—and this app's great for pros and novices.

iPhone Breakthrough for Annoying Social Climbers

Ryan Tate · 05/23/11 08:27PM

How do you, party attendee, separate the important people who deserve your attention from the little people, who do not? You could always scan name tags. But to be a pro suck up, whip out your iPhone and open Sonar.

Steve Jobs Personally Rejects App That Measures Cell Phone Radiation

Adrian Chen · 03/24/11 01:46PM

In light of our current nuclear panic, the frenzy over cell phone radiation seems like a quaint relic of an innocent past. But it's still an issue, and software company Tawkon has been trying to release an app that measures your iPhone's radiation levels for months. After failing to get approval in Apple's App Store, Tawkon's CEO Gil Friedlander sent Steve Jobs an email at his address asking for his blessing.

The Two Most Controversial iPhone Apps of the Week

Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 03:25PM

Here are two things you could do with your iPhone last week that you might not be able to next week: learn about how to fake-"cure" yourself from being gay, and avoid DUI checkpoints. It's outrage time in the App store!

This Toddler Is Addicted to Angry Birds

Matt Cherette · 12/10/10 03:00PM

Ayden is two-years-old; therefore, he should care about nothing but candy and pooping, right? Nope! Because Ayden's addicted to Angry Birds, and not even a bribe of candy can make him loosen his grip of his dad's phone. Watch inside.

How to Turn Your iPad Into a Second Monitor for Your PC

Matt Cherette · 07/15/10 12:19PM

If you happen to be someone who owns both a Windows PC and an iPad, and also happen to want a second monitor, you're in luck: this Maxivista app makes it easy to expand your display. Inside, a demonstration video.