
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Endorses Mitt Romney For the Stupidest Possible Reason

Jordan Sargent · 10/18/12 06:49PM

Dilbert creator Scott Adams is a rich white man who has turned his allegiance to Mitt Romney — I'll give you a moment to regain your composure. Okay. On Wednesday, Adams wrote a mildly coherent blog post explaining why he will be voting for Mitt Romney in November, one that starts with a hypothetical situation that includes the phrase, "For the record, President Obama did not technically kill anyone to get elected."

'It Felt Like [Mitt Romney] Was Staring Into My Soul': The Post-Debate Musings of Jeremy Epstein

Robert Kessler · 10/17/12 11:50AM

America's newest sweetheart and undeniable debate-winner Jeremy Epstein joined Chuck Todd on MSNBC this morning to share his experience at last night's town hall debate. Epstein described the question selection process, explaining that each audience member submit four questions, and was given one back, but no one knew for certain they would be called upon.

Robot-Human Charisma Wars: The Second Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/12 07:50PM

For what seems like the second time in the last thirteen days, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will stride on stage tonight and pretend, for a few moments, to not be sickened by one another's presence. Can Obama "recover" from his "poor performance" in the last debate? Can Romney convince "swing voters" that he is "more than a Mormon robot?" The estimable Mobutu Sese Seko and I will be live blogging this debate in order to, uh, help answer these questions, and to perform other vital unspecified pundit services.

Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards

John Cook · 10/15/12 04:30PM

Time's Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing, a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates establishing the rules governing this month's presidential and vice presidential face-offs. The upshot: Both campaigns are terrified at anything even remotely spontaneous happening.

Who's Predicting This Year's Post-Election Riots?

Mallory Ortberg · 10/14/12 04:52PM

A lot of people, it turns out. America's 236-year streak of successful, peaceful transitions of power from one administration to the next is about to be broken, because come Election Day 2012, no matter who wins, this country is going to break out into Riot City.

Ohio Man at Romney Rally Has Terrible, Racist Taste in Shirts

Mallory Ortberg · 10/13/12 11:09AM

This shirt — "Put White Back in the White House" — was spotted at yesterday's Romney/Ryan campaign rally in Ohio. A member of Romney's campaign said it was "reprehensible," presumably referring to the massive cat hair on the back of the right shoulder. You're in public. Have a little self-respect. [via Buzzfeed, images via Getty]

The CEO Who Built Himself America's Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama's Elected

Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/12 11:30AM

David Siegel is the founder and CEO of Westgate Resorts, a huge national timeshare company and one of the largest resort developers in the world. In 2007 he was a billionaire, although he may be only a hundred-millionaire now. He and his wife Jackie were the subjects of the recent documentary "The Queen of Versailles," about their ongoing quest to build the largest house in America, a 90,000 square foot monument to excess. And yesterday, David Siegel sent an email to all of his thousands of employees, in which he—in a veiled way—insinuated that they would be fired of Barack Obama is reelected.