
Blago: 'I'm Blacker than Barack Obama. I Shined Shoes.'

Maureen O'Connor · 01/11/10 01:36AM

The disgraced ex-governor of Illinois apparently failed to take his Elvis Presley pointer-finger dance into account in assessing his relative level of whiteness in a new interview with Esquire.

cityfile · 01/08/10 03:49PM

• The epic mess at NBC continues: The last-place network is now thinking above moving Jay Leno to a 11:35pm-12:05am time slot and then having Conan O'Brien follow him for a full hour. But no deal has been reached, and there's still a possibility that Conan will abandon ship. [NYT, LAT, BN, NYT]
Rudy Giuliani is under fire for idiotic comments he made on Good Morning America today. George Stephanopoulos: He isn't looking so hot either. [NYT]
• Changes at the Times: Star reporter Sewell Chan is headed to the paper's D.C. bureau; and the NYT's City Room blog has a new editor. [Politico, NYT]
• If you love Jersey Shore, maybe you'll be interested in Jersey Couture? [THR]
• Bad news for tweens, pervs: Hannah Montana is coming to an end. [MTV]
• Ben Silverman's studio/glorified ad agency is teaming up with Yahoo! [NYT]
• President Obama's State of the Union address will not—repeat not—conflict with Lost's season opener on February 2. So you can relax now. [WSJ]
• Did Reuters kill a story so as to not offend billionaire Steve Cohen? [Gawker]
• If you work at Condé Nast and you go get a boob job, you probably shouldn't show your new assets to your colleagues when your return to the office. (Even if you're behind closed doors and you keep your sports bra on.) [NYP]

No, Chris Matthews, You Don't Get to Attack Politico

John Cook · 01/05/10 04:06PM

Matthews is one of the nation's chief practitioners of the narrative-constructing outrage-bait political journalism that Politico has perfected into a foul art, and he is one of the nation's chief distributors of its wares. In fact, he already knew the answer to his questions: It was provided by Newsweek's Mike Isikoff, who was a Hardball guest on December 30, when Matthews previewed his irritation with the Politico-Cheney axis:

2009: Gawker's Year in Pictures

Brian Moylan · 12/30/09 12:49PM

Pictures may only be worth a thousand words, but they can certainly sear an image onto your brain for all eternity. Here are the pictures that defined 2009 on Gawker.

Obama Rushes from Golf Course after His Friend's Son Is Injured

Gabriel Snyder · 12/28/09 05:14PM

Barack Obama cut short a game a golf for a "personal matter" and returned to his family compound on Hawaii in what pool reporters are describing as a "very high speed and dramatic" motorcade trip. An ambulance has been spotted outside their vacation home, but CNN's Ed Henry just reported that the incident concerns "a minor injury with a friend who's travelling with the first family." MSNBC's Chuck Todd adds (see the clip above) that the injury occurred "on the ocean."